Our Story

We are an independent credit establishment firm located in Texas. We help all individuals solidify or boost their credit via tradelines. Our tradelines create the means to attain your individual wants, needs, and long-term goals through credit.

TopTierCredit was created to stabilize a credit foundation upon which anyone can achieve their financial goals. Abundance is your birth right. The misconception that individuals should stay away from credit due to the inevitable debt that will accrue is a farce. When used wisely, credit is actually a great tool to build equity and generational wealth.

You are the center of all that we do as our client. We want to do everything we can to provide you with the resources you need to become financially independent. We are interested in both the process and the outcome. To us, being honest is crucial. Every step of the process, we'll be there to ensure clarity and openness with each tradeline we offer.