Frequently Asked

Who Can benefit from tradelines?
A tradeline addition may not be advantageous to everyone. Your credit score is greatly influenced by your current use rate, average account history, and recent payment history. Each person's report reflects their individuality. Your credit report is essentially your financial ancestry. To ensure that tradelines (and which tradelines) are appropriate for each customer, we recommend, individualized consultation which can be purchased from us.

What kind of tradelines do we have?
Our tradelines at TopTierCredit are authorized users.

What’s the variance between authorized users and primary tradelines?
The first position of primary tradelines indicates that you own them. Buying them is participating in financial fraud. The only authorized way to add information to your reports that does not belong to you is through Authorized User tradelines, which are in the secondary position because you are not the principal cardholder

What if I have no credit?
You have what is referred to as a thin file if you have no established credit. You could begin establishing your credit history using tradelines.

 What can we guarantee?
Regarding posting, we have a contractual obligation to do so within 60 days. Other terms of that assurance include: We promise the line(s) will post to two out of three bureaus, but we cannot specify which two, and most of the time they post to three out of three. We further promise that all of our lines have flawless payment histories and usage levels below 10%. We will always offer you a replacement line if, for any reason, a line does not post to 2 out of 3 bureaus. We do not make any specific score increment promises.

What’s the main benefits?
Time is the biggest advantage of buying tradelines. For instance, if you have removed all negative information from your report or if your credit history is virtually empty for any reason (you have never used credit, you are young, etc.), the conventional process would be to obtain a secured card or some other type of credit-building loan and make payments on these for six to twelve months before you are even able to consider applying for an unsecured card, getting an auto loan, etc. In as short as 30 to 60 days, tradelines will provide you with the same results—and frequently far greater ones.

Will negative marks on my credit prevent a credit boost from a tradeline?
Any favorable information you include in your report will have an effect. How much depends on the information that is already in your reports. We advise folks to put themselves in the best possible position to make the most of the tradeline (s).

How do we secure client information?
We save client data on servers that are encrypted. We remove user data from the site after 90 days.

Why use TopTierCredit as a tradeline issuer?
We are the only business that validates and safeguards customers and cardholders to the extent that we do. Because of this, there is less chance that our lines will be shut down. Service to customers and education are valued more highly than profit. We believe that our educational system has failed to adequately enlighten the public on the crucial and important topic of credit, thus we are happy to answer any questions you may have about your particular circumstance or the state of the credit industry as a whole. We have agreements and warranties in place to safeguard you as a customer and fully inform you prior to signing with us. If buying tradelines is not in your best interest, we never recommend doing so.